Erik Natzke

Natzke is an interactive designer who blurs the borders between design and technology.
He is a risk-taker with no fear of failure and an unflagging determination to never throw in the towel, Natzke's Midwest work ethic andrare talent serve him well as he pioneers the frontiers of art and science.
Recently named one of the Top 10 Young Designers by HOW magazine, Natzke, along with his commercial and personal work, are applauded throughout the world of international design and advertising.
Keep Interest(ed)
When tomorrow becomes today and yesterday is a thing of the past, how do you keep your interests interesting and, more importantly, keep yourself interested?
Avoiding the assembly line habit of churning out the same thing day after day is often a difficult task. There is comfort in complacency and, often, experience teaches us to avoid going the extra mile unless you have to. But, often it is the evidence of struggle or, rather, the overcoming of obvious barriers throughout the process that has the most captivating responses.
Throughout this session, Erik will dissect some of the projects and experiences that have not only had interesting outcomes, but were also important towards maintaining a personal interest through continued self education and exploration.