Folkert Gorter

Folkert Gorter is an independent designer working on cross-media information and entertainment projects for post-ideological non-partisan, forward thinking terrestrials.
He is currently working out of Los Angeles on a new initiative that is attempting to use the Internet to improve the species by providing participants with a new way of looking at themselves. It will explore the far reaches of human consciousness, promote tools for evolution and emergent strategies for the future.
His interests are creating environments that facilitate the sharing of knowledge and inspiration in the interactive space and the migration of global consciousness into the digital domain.
Tools for Evolution
Among other things, this session will feature an illustrated account of how the break-neck speed of developments in the world of digital media has directly influenced my personal direction as an interactive designer.
Being a designer in the digital age is a strange profession, and in constant need of redefiniton: skills and experience need to continually evolve, develop and expand while technology is changing the world at an exponential rate.
I will show the progress being made on my current project, Space Collective. It is an initiative that will attempt to use the Internet to improve the species by providing participants with a new way of looking at themselves. The project aims to fuse the linear and the non-linear experiences in the interactive medium, and features among others a docu-sci-fi feature film and a collaborative online initiative.