Marcos Weskamp

In 1998 while pursuing undergraduate studies in Architecture, Fine Arts and Graphic Design in Argentina, Marcos Weskamp received a scholarship from the Japanese Ministry of Education to continue his studies in Japan.
Since graduating as a Graphic Designer in 2001, Marcos has worked as a graphic designer, interface developer and art director for companies such as Bascule, Razorfish Tokyo and Dentsu.
He is a self taught web technologist who constantly pursues investigation in the fields of Information Visualization, Online Collaborative Work Environments and mobile media.
He is the receiver of an award of distinction in the Net Vision category at Ars Electronica 2004 for his work Newsmap. Currently he is the founder and director of B2, an information visualization R&D studio based in Tokyo.
Marcos has also created some of the coolest Flash apps on the net, check out Flickr Graph, Social Circles and the super cool Habitat Perspectives.
Creating meaning from chaos!
Data is an abstract element we need to parse analyse and curate to extract information out of it.
Interactive Information Visualization then takes the form of a process that involves retrieval, parsing analysing and displaying information without loosing focus on interaction; navigating, sorting and filtering.
In this session I'll talk about that process going through all the steps necessary to create a compelling new display of information outlining elements that otherwise would have been invisible.