Rich Shupe

Rich is the founder and president of FMA, a full-service multimedia development and training company in New York.
He teaches Flash, Director, JavaScript, digital video and audio, and more in FMA's state-of-the-art training facility.
Rich is a faculty member at New York's School of Visual Arts. teaching in the undergraduate and graduate programs. He is a technical writer and the author of two books, including Flash 8: Projects for Learning Animation and Interactivity (O'Reilly). Clients include McGraw-Hill, Pearson Education, Apple Computer, IBM, and Loews Theaters.
Vecmaps and Bitters
Contrary to what you may have heard, pixels and vertices can be friends. Like any party, it's the right mix that makes all the difference. This big-picture look at on-the-fly graphics manipulation will have designers and programmers alike dynamically bitmapping vectors with ease and interest.
Learn when (and when not to) cache your MovieClips for better performance.
Shadow characters, bevel buttons, and blur motion without additional assets.
Solve nagging problems with Flash-specific blend modes.
Protect your secret identity with (warm and) fuzzy 8-bit alpha masks.
Resize with confidence using distortion-free 9-slice MovieClip scaling.
Reface your interface with the DrawingAPI.
Transform colors, displace maps, and convolute your images with the BitmapData class.
You'll learn as much about pixels and vectors playing together as time allows. And, whenever possible, this session will demonstrate these techniques using both the Flash IDE and ActionScript, extending open arms to attendees from novice to know-it-all.