
Todd Purgason

Todd Purgason


Todd Purgason is the Creative Director for Juxt Interactive, a web-design studio based in southern California that specializes in Internet strategy and Flash-based interactive web sites. Todd has led Juxt in creating innovative work for clients such as Sketchers, Billabong, Macromedia, OmniSky, Nortel,, Toshiba, Shorn, Fujitsu, and many others. This work has been highlighted in several publications and books around the world, including PDN-PIX, I.D. magazine, Commarts, HOW Magazine, Print magazine, Cre@te Online, and others.

Juxt's work has earned a number of awards, including the Clio Award, How Magazine's International Design Competition award, the Print Magazine Interactive award, Communication Arts Award, IPPA StudioONE and DesignONE awards, the CommArts Magazine Web Site of the Week, and the High Five Award.

Under Purgason's creative direction, Juxt has been honored with 12 Macromedia "Site of the Day" awards and has been featured in several product galleries on Macromedia's web site. In addition, IPPA has selected Purgason as one of today's top 10 web designers in the world.

Purgason, an author and regular speaker on the subject of interactive web design, has contributed to a number of books, including Hillman Curtis's best-selling book Flash Web Design (New Riders), New Masters of Flash (Friends of Ed), Flash Studio Secrets (Hungry Minds), and The Flash 5 Bible (Hungry Minds).


What was Your Name again?

Ok so we have more websites on the Internet than you could look at in several lifetimes.

In effect we have created the ultimate form of channel surfing. Users pop through sites, MySpace pages, articles, galleries, and videos like they are eating a bag of potato chips.

Yes content is king but is the content that the audience wants to consume actually able to do things for a brand?

How can you make content and websites that resonate and can be remembered from all the other sites they are visiting.

In this session we will look at various strategies and approaches that Juxt Interactive and other companies have attempted.

You will see success stories as well as failures as I address the question "is being memorable to fewer people better than being consumable by more people"
