Chris Orwig

I'm a photographer because I was hit by a car. While recovering, my Dad gave me a camera. That was the most important gift I had ever received. It shifted my focus away from me and my problems, opened my eyes and changed my soul.
That camera set me on a new path. Along the way, I've met countless people who have enriched and deepened my life. I'm grateful for that. That's why I make photographs and teach - to somehow provide something back. And what I enjoy most about photography, is finding the light within others and connecting in an meaningful way.
If you feel who I am and what I do might a fit for a project you have in mind, let me know. I'm based in Santa Barbara, CA but am available world wide.
Story. Branding. Visual design.
How to create visual impact? It is more than a+b = c. In this creative session we will take a cross disciplinary approach to understanding story-based branding and visual design.
We will seek to learn how to say more with less. Just as the poet says in 20 words the novelist says in 20,000.
The poet reduces and simplifies, yet even more... the poet deepens. How then can we create clear and compelling visual messages that tell more with less.
Moreover, we will explore the logic and creativity that leads to effective branding and visual design. In particular we will examine how this relates to creating a portfolio site.
This will go way beyond your typical common sense. As Picasso said, "It is common sense that is the chief enemy of creativity." You will walk away from this session with a fresh perspective and a huge creative boost.