Michael Ninness

Michael Ninness grew up in the Redwoods of Arcata in Northern California. He moved to Seattle in 1989 to study for a Graphic Design BFA at the University of Washington and fell in love with the Pacific Northwest.
He paid his way through design school by teaching professional designers and photographers digital imaging tools and techniques.
Michael was the former LiveMotion Group Product Manager and a Senior UI Designer for the Creative Suite at Adobe, and was a Program Manager for Expression Interactive Designer at Microsoft.
In early 2005, Michael returned to his teaching roots and joined the team at Lynda.com, an award-winning publisher of self-paced online video training, CDs, books and events for designers, photographers, developers, instructors, students and hobbyists. Michael is a frequent and top-rated presenter at numerous industry events including Photoshop World, PhotoPlus Expo, PMA, Macworld, FlashForward, Web Design World and Pacific New Media at the University of Hawaii. He is the author of the Photoshop CS2 Essential Training, Photoshop Power Shortcuts and Photoshop CS2 and Flash 8 Integration video training titles published by Lynda.com, and is an occasional contributor to Photoshop User magazine.
Pixel Perfect: Photoshop Production Tips for Flash Designers
After your designer brain has been fried by the mass absortion of ActionScript, OOP, Components, Flex and the other technical topics at FOTB, come to this session for a bit of pixel relief.
Michael will briefly walk you though the new Photoshop and Illustrator importer in Flash CS3, and then he will show you as many tricks as time allows on how to make your pixels look their best before bringing them into Flash in the first place.
Importing PSD and AI files into Flash CS3
How to control Flash's optimization settings for embedded bitmaps
How to load external JPEGs, PNGs and GIFs into a SWF file at runtime
Instant color cast removal
How to remove or reduce dreaded digital noise
Selective focus and sharpening techniques
Photoshop web optimization secrets
Resolving color conflicts between Photoshop and Flash