Mike Jones

Mike Jones is a technologist and enabler. He has worked for multiple clients and assisted numerous companies in defining and developing innovative solutions across multiple platforms and devices.
Day to day he provides consultation, training and development services, and his expertise has been employed by the likes of BBC, British Telecom, Sony, Adobe, Mars, Diesel and UBS to name a few.
As a former Platform Evangelist at Adobe, Mike has presented workshops and sessions art various international conferences and is well versed in speaking on both technical and business oriented topics.
Flex Application Development - Done in 60 minutes
Has he gone mad I hear you say. He did say 60 minutes.
Yes 60 minutes to develop a Flex application.
However the point of this session is not to stand and lecture on how to build applications in Flex 2 (or to have you all watch me type for an hour and say nothing), but to get you to join in.
So if you have a notebook, a copy of the beta of Flex Builder 3 - just in case we have time for some AIR madness too :) - and you want to try Flex first hand and actually create something. Then this is for you. If you don't want to lug your notebook around then don't worry, active participation is not mandatory.
Obviously in the age old tradition of Blue Peter there will be a bit of preparation, and code for the talk will be available for those who want to join in before hand.
What are we going to make... Well let's keep that a surprise for now.