Rich Shupe
Rich is the founder and president of FMA, a full-service multimedia development and training company in New York.
He teaches Flash, Director, JavaScript, digital video and audio, and more in FMA's state-of-the-art training facility.
Rich is a faculty member at New York's School of Visual Arts. teaching in the undergraduate and graduate programs. He is a technical writer and the author of two books, including Flash 8: Projects for Learning Animation and Interactivity (O'Reilly). Clients include McGraw-Hill, Pearson Education, Apple Computer, IBM, and Loews Theaters.
Sound B(y)tes
Sound is an integral part of everyday living, whether we realize it or not. Sound as communicator, entertainer, persuader, dissuader, radar, and memoir. Even the deaf world uses sound vibrations to transmit and receive information. I assure you, when a tree falls in the forest it makes a sound--even if there is no one there to hear it.
Sound can be a passive tool, to entertain and inform, but it can also be interactive. This session sets out to illustrate ways we can use sound as a catalyst, an intermediary, and an ally. Beginning with a brief description of AS3's real-time sound analysis, and demonstrations of extracting amplitude and frequency spectrum data, the task at hand will be putting that information to work.
With as much time as the session allows, we'll look at ways we can use 10,240 values per second to control unexpected environments. What does a "jazz terrain" look like? What type of portrait will The Residents create? With "Mid Range" Henry out of the Frequency Spectrum Cup, who will score the first goal--"Low End" de Silva or "High End" van Persie? Can a Brighton audience keep up with a computer in a game of pong? Some of these questions may be answered this year, on the beach.