Branden Hall

Branden Hall is co-principal and CTO of Automata Studios, a consulting and development studio located outside of Washington D.C.
Branden has been involved with Flash and the Flash community since 1998.
He has been busy since then speaking at conferences, founding the Flashcoders mailing list, writing a number of articles and books on all sorts of web technologies, and, oh yeah, writing code. Branden lives in Maryland with his wife Patti, his son Kai and three very ferocious (at least they like to think so) cats.
Brilliant Ideas That I'Ve Blatantly Stolen
The world of Flash/Flex development may seem big, but it is just a tiny spec in the universe of software development. I have spent a lot of time over the past few years with digital pith helmet on exploring other languages, frameworks, and development strategies. Like any good old time explorer I then stole what I wanted and went back home! This presentation is all about sifting through that treasure and finding the real gems that make development easier, faster, and more fun.