Chris Orwig

I'm a photographer because I was hit by a car. While recovering, my Dad gave me a camera. That was the most important gift I had ever received. It shifted my focus away from me and my problems, opened my eyes and changed my soul.
That camera set me on a new path. Along the way, I've met countless people who have enriched and deepened my life. I'm grateful for that. That's why I make photographs and teach - to somehow provide something back. And what I enjoy most about photography, is finding the light within others and connecting in an meaningful way.
If you feel who I am and what I do might a fit for a project you have in mind, let me know. I'm based in Santa Barbara, CA but am available world wide.
He Art And Craft Of Photographic Impact
Photography, when studied as a language, has been argued to be one of the most impactful and purest form of communication: it trandscends verbal and written language, objectifies both time and space, and is at the same time both art and fact; both beauty and information.
How then does one create (or use photographs in a way) so that they have impact? Well that is exactly what we will explore in this creative inspiration session.
If you enjoy the visual art of photography and want to learn how to create more compelling and more intriguing photographs you will enjoy this session.
It will be a mix of the how and why of photography as well as some practical digital imaging techniques.
In sum, the session will help you to get more out of life and photography. As the famous French photographer Marc Riboud once said, ‰ÛÏPhotography is about savoring life at 1/100th of a second.