Nicolas Lierman

Nicolas Lierman is a senior application developer and chief architect of the Flex team at Boulevart where he leads the development of non service based product development and manages corporate client projects.
Prior to joining Boulevart Nicolas has worked at a top Agency as a Flash platform developer, was a Flash video consultant for the movie industry in LA and created one of the first cross media experiences on national TV with an interactive dating show.
He is also the author of he Analytics Reporting Suite for Google Analytics, one of the most popular AIR apps at the moment.
Revolutionizing Web Analytics With Adobe Air
Little under a year ago I released the first beta of the Google Analytics desktop reporting tool for Adobe AIR.
It's been a great journey, I learned a lot about web analytics and over a 100.000 users have installed the application.
That's cool and all, but it doesn't have to stop here. We as Flash platform developers look at things differently, we're creative thinkers and we have those special skills that big vendors will never posses.
It's not because we're suddenly also desktop developers we have to forget who we are. That's why I have been working on a new project that, in my opinion, will dramatically change to way we work with data and gather insights. It's web analytics on crack!