Rob Bateman

Web obsessive graphics geek Rob Bateman is founder and organiser of The Away Foundation, a non-profit company that creates feely available resources for use by web professionals.
He started out by co-creating The Away3D engine in 2007, and has been developing and promoting open source tools and libraries ever since.
These days, the libraries produced by his company are used by thousands of organisations and freelancers around the world to power graphically rich interactive experiences and games.
Finding Away3D
Since the creation of the open source framework Papervision, 3d in Flash has been an interesting collision of worlds - design and interaction on the Flash side, mechanics and maths on the 3d side.
Away3d is a new open source framework aimed at extending the possibilities of 3d content creation while taking a more intuitive approach to the management of a 3d environment.
As one of the core developers on the project, Rob explorers some of the advances Away3d has given the 3d Flash community in recent months, demonstrating a few features designed to save time and extend the functionality of the Flash Player's 3d capabilities.
There will also be a sneak peek of some of the upcoming features in development, and an enticing look into the possible future of 3d in Flash.