Stefan Richter
Stefan is an Adobe Certified Trainer and Developer who has been working with Flash Media Server since its inception.
His company handles a variety of projects for an international client base including ITV, Unilever, Tate Modern and CNET.
Stefan has spoken at many industry events and his website is one of the largest resources on Flash Media Server and related technologies.
He is the co-author of the Hands-on Guide to Flash Video, published by Elsevier in 2007, and has published many articles for various print publications and online magazines.
Building Collaborative Applications
I continue to be impressed by how sticky web applications can become when you add some collaborative features to the mix. And by that I don't mean message boards, super pokes and the like, but real time interaction which allows people to experience the presence of other users.
Over the years I have built many Flash and Flex applications which incorporate real time collaboration features, and I've usually done so with the help of Flash Media Server (FMS). In my session I will show you some of those examples and also take a closer look at the underlying FMS features such as Remote Shared Objects, NetStream and remote procedure calls that make that functionality possible.
Oh yeah, and don't forget to bring your laptop to join in on some of the examples...