Craig Swann

Craig Swann is founder of the award-winning interactive agency CRASH!MEDIA.
Craig has been working in the online space since 1995 and has been a core part of the Flash community since its inception. As an educator, curator, speaker, and writer of new media technologies, Craig has given 20 international talks on Flash, written and contributed to seven Flash books, and curated over a dozen new media events featuring some of the world's brightest Flash and interactive developers.
His Flash work at CRASH! has received over a dozen awards and has been featured in both print and on television. Craig's interactive audio work has developed into the multi-award winning online music application Looplabs, which has been used by such clients as Coca-Cola, Miller, Bacardi, Calvin Klein, Toyota, Sony, and others.
Choose Your Own Adventure
When we realize life is nothing more than a collection of our decisions, how can we not wonder....What If?
Imagine a world where work is play, success is failure, money is an illusion, happiness is natural and emotion our mentor.
Follow Craig down a rabbit hole of discovery and imagination to the Land of Happy Accidents - where passion and intention meet action and attention.
Sharing personal thoughts and reflections on the medium and the message - past, present and future - Craig will explore the process of creativity, the role of interactivity and convenience as the new commodity in a world built by design.