Thea Eaton

After her position as Art Director for Anaxos Press, a publishing and multi-media company in Austin, TX, Thea started DoodleDoo, a Flash Animation Studio that focuses on accessible children's edutainment.
Thea graduated from the University of Texas with a BA in Computer Science and is currently working on a degree in Advanced Character Animation.
Thea is an Adobe certified Flash Designer, and has worked with Flash and children's multimedia for over 7 years. She is working on finding new and innovative ways to make Flash 508 compliant for children K-6. DoodleDoo provides Flash accessibility programming and consulting services to educational publishers.
Accessible Action Games!
Who says Flash cannot be interactive, fun and accessible at the same time?
At DoodleDoo we make educational Flash games 508 accessible to children with a disability. We come up with creative solutions for Flash games that generally people think can't be made accessible, such as jigsaw puzzles, coloring pages and adventure games for visually impaired users, and whack-a-mole and other mouse-dependant games for mobility impaired users.
This session will show some of our accessible Flash games, and the research and creative programming that made them possible.
DoodleDoo is a Flash animation studio that focuses on accessible educational materials and provides Flash accessibility programming and consulting services to educational publishers. You can find out more about Flash accessibility at