Joa Ebert
Joa Ebert is a non-blocking lock-free greedy coloring humanoid, specializing in technology hacks of the metaverse.
Started programming at the age of 8 and a FutureSplash developer since 96, Joa continuously honed his skills in founding and failing startups. Since he spent more than 71.4% of his lifetime as a coder he came to the conclusion that technology and writing code is a mess but is stuck in an infinite recursion until the universe stack overflows.
With an interest in the deep understanding of things, he (tries to) works on virtual machines and programming languages in his spare time. Sometimes he is pursuing the mastery of puff pastry.
Joa co-founded defrac in 2013 and has been working 169 hours a week ever since.
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This talk will focus on the ideas behind Apparat. A framework aggregate Joa Ebert developed to manipulate and optimize Flash content.
Joa showed a first prototype of Apparat at FOTB 2009. After the conference he decided to rewrite the application from scratch in order to support more sophisticated features. It has been a long way and there is a lot to show.