
Mike Jones

Mike Jones


Mike Jones is a technologist and enabler. He has worked for multiple clients and assisted numerous companies in defining and developing innovative solutions across multiple platforms and devices.

Day to day he provides consultation, training and development services, and his expertise has been employed by the likes of BBC, British Telecom, Sony, Adobe, Mars, Diesel and UBS to name a few.

As a former Platform Evangelist at Adobe, Mike has presented workshops and sessions art various international conferences and is well versed in speaking on both technical and business oriented topics.


Flash Components in Flex apps

Mike will guide you through the process of developing and integrating components built in Flash Professional CS5 for use within your Flex application.

Starting with a simple component that is designed and built in Flash Professional you will see how you implement Flex features like view states and transitions, as well as providing support for data binding and custom events.

Lastly you'll see how you can provide support for code hinting within your component when declared in MXML in Flash Builder.

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