Andreas Rønning

I'm an independent, multidisciplinary developer with a history of diverse, successful projects of varying scale.
Since 2001 I've gained significant experience crafting solutions for advertising, installations, game development, in-house tooling and mobile experiences, straddling the front and back ends with an emphasis on improving team cohesion and workflow.
I'm proud, driven, impassioned, quick to learn and result-oriented, caring as much about the process and the work environment as I do for delivering stable, satisfying work for my clients.
My favorite job is supporting a team of developers, designers and artists: Having that immediate loop of iteration and feedback is incredibly rewarding, and seeing what a team can do with tools tailored to their needs never ceases to amaze.
Developer Console For Fun And Profit
This session goes into integrating the open source Doomsday Console with your workflow to enhance the way you, the developer, interact with your application at run-time, and give you an improved perspective on the impact of your code as it executes.
If you ever toyed around with the developer console in any video games and thought it was rad times, this one is for you.
If you didn't, you may still find yourself surprised at just how liberating it can be to have a detailed customizable trace window you can talk back to.
Game developers may be particularly interested in this one