
Philipp Moeser

Philipp Moeser


Philipp has been running software projects for the last 10 years, working in mobile entertainment, e-commerce and games. He used just about every methodology to manage software projects so far, from waterfall over scrum to kanban, but he is still looking for the holy grail.

Since 2009 he has been responsible for the game development at Wooga, where some unique requirements around developing games with flash entered the mix.

So far his team developed 3 of the current top 15 games on Facebook, and they are on an ambitious mission. Wooga is the third biggest developer of Social Games in the world and with about 50 million active users the number one from Europe.


Scaling & Organisation: Massive Flash-Projects - How To Build A Top 10 Game On Facebook?

The talk will provide two perspectives, an overall view from a CTO and also insights into how this philosophy is applied in the daily operations.

Philipp will talk about his philosophy regarding the realization of huge software projects and he is excited to share his knowledge from many years of practical experience. Over the years Philipp has advised and coordinated many successful software project and start ups. This is the first talk where he will share his opinion about how to successfully and efficiently build big software monsters from scratch.

The second part will share some practical insights given by Mattes - a Flash Developer. He will show you how wooga makes sure to keep up development speed despite facing continuously changing requirements, new features and increasing complexity. By covering topics such as test-driven development and continuous integration, he will show you how to keep your code as agile as the process itself.
