
I am Stray. UK based coder / step-mum / sheep enthusiast.
Robotlegs 2 And Your Brain: A Great As3 Toolchain
Your developer toolchain doesn't begin with your choice of IDE, it starts with you: specifically your brain.
Whether you've never heard of Robotlegs or Dependency Injection, or you're comfy with Robotlegs 1, this session will expand your understanding of:
how your own process works,
why changing practices is hard,
the pros and cons of frameworks,
the ups and downs of automated DI,
the architectural patterns behind Robotlegs,
how we used our collective brains to create Robotlegs 2,
and how you can get the best from (est release autumn 2011) Robotlegs 2.
Guaranteed brain-friendly and jargon-free, this session is also relevant to anyone who releases libraries to the community, or wants to.