
Branden Hall

Branden Hall


Branden Hall is co-principal and CTO of Automata Studios, a consulting and development studio located outside of Washington D.C.

Branden has been involved with Flash and the Flash community since 1998.

He has been busy since then speaking at conferences, founding the Flashcoders mailing list, writing a number of articles and books on all sorts of web technologies, and, oh yeah, writing code. Branden lives in Maryland with his wife Patti, his son Kai and three very ferocious (at least they like to think so) cats.


The Multiplicity and Confusion of Things

"Truth is ever to be found in simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things." - Issac Newton

Mathematics is the grain of sand upon which formed the pearl that is the modern world. Yet math remains, for many of us, a scary thing. Something we don't know enough of and that's written in a language that eludes casual study. Put bluntly, math is hard, let's go shopping.

But what if mindless consumer indulgence doesn't drive you? What if you're one of the growing group of geeks and artists that call themselves "makers"? You see other people like you creating beautiful, incredible things and you get this gut wrenching feeling you should have paid more attention in Algebra II.

The truth is, more often than not, the math at the heart of beautiful things is quite simple. It's math you probably learned in high school, just iterated and artfully applied. It's that math that this talk is all about. The stuff you probably already know (or at least, once knew). It's about how you can take simple math concepts and use them create wonderful things - both digital and real.

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