Chuck Anderson

Chuck Anderson, also known by his studio's name NoPattern, is an artist & designer from Grand Rapids, MI.
Chuck began NoPattern in 2003 in his hometown of Chicago within months of graduating high school.
Since then, Chuck has gone on to work for international brands & agencies such as Microsoft, Nike, Target, Reebok, ESPN and many more.
He has become well-known for his use of intense, vibrant light and unexpected color as well as his often chaotic illustration style.
What Plans? Figuring It Out As You Go
I've never had much success - or fun - making and sticking with plans.
Looking back on my life and career so far, it seems almost everything I've done that worked was improvised, guessed, figured out as I went along, and out of the blue. I like it that way.
When I 'started' (aka picked the name and set up a website simply so I could have an outlet to share the work I was making) NoPattern in 2002 while still in high school, I really couldn't have guessed it would eventually turn into an actual company, my career, my livelihood.
From skipping college, to working out of my parent's house, to creating personal art & design, to getting & doing client work, to running a business, I'll be sharing about how I've learned to embrace never knowing what's around the corner and how to figure it out as you go.