Rob Bateman

Web obsessive graphics geek Rob Bateman is founder and organiser of The Away Foundation, a non-profit company that creates feely available resources for use by web professionals.
He started out by co-creating The Away3D engine in 2007, and has been developing and promoting open source tools and libraries ever since.
These days, the libraries produced by his company are used by thousands of organisations and freelancers around the world to power graphically rich interactive experiences and games.
Forward The Foundation
The Away3D engine is no longer a single entity but a constantly evolving set of libraries, tools and formats that has long since outgrown its back bedroom philosophy.
When the expansion of a community results in a situation where even maintenance activities are no longer possible on a time budget of evenings and weekends, development begins to rely on the unofficial contract arrangements from companies who depend on existing capabilities or benefit from continued development.
As the spread of Away3D-related software continues to expand, funding becomes more significant than ever for the survival and growth of the communities built around these resources.
To establish a base for the future expansion of free tools and open-source libraries, The Away Foundation is a new non-profit organisation that focuses on improving production workflows and end-user experience for graphics-based games and applications on the web and mobile devices.
In this session, Rob will showcase some of the recent work created with the help of the various libraries and applications managed by The Away Foundation, and reveals how anyone can get involved with the work, or take advantage of the results.