Bruce Lawson

Bruce Lawson evangelises open Web Standards for Opera. He was previously content editor and technical lead for The Law Society and the Solicitors Regulation Authority websites.
He began converting his own site to HTML5 at Christmas 2008, and co-wrote the first book on HTML5, Introducing HTML5.
He was a member of the Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group at the W3C.
Web Standards for cross-device design: what next?
Since Facebook announced that betting on HTML5 was its "biggest mistake", the "native vs web apps" debate has reignited with greater heat, but very little new light.
In this session, Bruce will look at what's coming up in web standards that will bring greater capabilities to web apps that work across mobiles, desktop, TV - things like webRTC, CSS Flexbox, new CSS Units, CSS Device Adaptations and a peek at what's being discussed for Media Queries level 4.