Naomi Atkinson

Announcing my latest project: You.
I love what I do. However, my work tends to keep me glued to a screen day after day - often to the point of realising I have lost the ability to talk sense to, and generally interact with other human beings.
Being a naturally sociable person, this just won't do. So in May of this year I founded my second business.
I'd like to share my story behind this new venture, including: how your real passions in life may just be staring you square in the face, and crying out for your attention to be turned to them; how important our side work and personal projects are as a creative outlet; the ups and downs of starting something completely new to you (but never letting that stop you); and most importantly, invite you to be involved. This is a company who's one drive is celebrating you and your products.
I do hope you'll join me...