Mario Klingemann

Mario Klingemann, alias Quasimondo, is what you get when you cross the analytic mind of a coder with the creative fervor of an artist and add a little bit of mad scientist mentality to the mix.
In his aim to surprise himself and his audience he constantly tries to explore uncharted territories in order to discover unseen beauty and unthought ideas. Over the past years he increasingly focussed on machine learning to explore the field of artificial and augmented creativity.
A key factor in his work is the drive to overcome limitations by creatively repurposing and recombining objects and systems to reveal their hidden qualities.
His creations have been exhibited in international art shows and won acclaim among critics as exemplary pieces of net art. Pieces like his Neural Network portraits, Lowpoly Bot, Mona Tweeta, ScribblerToo, Flickeur, or Dada Visualization have made their way into uncounted best-of lists and got featured in many articles. In 2015 he won the Creative Award of the British Library, currently he is machine learning artist in residence at the Google Cultural Institute in Paris.
Mario enjoys sharing his explorations and discoveries on design and technology conferences worldwide, has co-founded the Munich FabLab and is working as a freelance code artist building creative tools, mobile apps and media installations.
In German, when you encounter something strange or peculiar that you cannot really pin down you call it "eigenartig".
In Mathematics, when you want to find the essence of a matrix you calculate its eigenvalues.
In life, when you come across something that does not serve any purpose, but manages to catch your attention or make you think, it is very possible that it is art.
I am trying to discover things that are eigenartig. Things that are surprising, beautiful, funny or sometimes even art.
The tools that help me in this search are creative code, Mathematics, data and randomness. In my talk I will present some of the things I have found so far.
Expect a mixture of inspiration, education and irritation - that's eigenartig.