Rob Bateman

Web obsessive graphics geek Rob Bateman is founder and organiser of The Away Foundation, a non-profit company that creates feely available resources for use by web professionals.
He started out by co-creating The Away3D engine in 2007, and has been developing and promoting open source tools and libraries ever since.
These days, the libraries produced by his company are used by thousands of organisations and freelancers around the world to power graphically rich interactive experiences and games.
New Adventures in 3D
Rob talks about how the accelerated world of 3D graphics on the web is changing both the boundaries of what's possible, and people's expectations of future content.
From the latest additions to the featureset of Stage3D to the ever expanding reach of WebGL and the year on year improvements in graphics capabilities of mobile and desktop devices.
This session explores the new horizons of high-end graphics, and some of the tools and apis that The Away Foundation is developing to assist the creators in this evolving field.