Lin Yi-Wen

Yi-Wen (or "Wen") is from Taiwan. He has been living in London for 2 years after staying in Paris for 5 years. After all these years in western culture, he is still attached to the eastern culture and get even more inspired by it now. That's why his experiment often relate to Chinese culture.
Apart from office work he enjoy making some small experiments and personal projects in web or small installations. He likes coding and especially with 3D such as WebGL or OpenGL.
Wen is also a father of 2 kids and love making digital toys for them.
How to build a simple in house installation
Inspired by a picture of fireflies flying in the woods and leaving trails behind them. This phenomenal scene lead me to do more research about fireflies.
In my session I will show you how I started with this inspiration and turn it in to a small installation. Starting with how to animate the fireflies movement and the entrainment behavior in shader (GLSL).
And then I'll walk you through how I created a simple installation in house with the things you could easily find or build.
This session will involve with a bit of code and shader knowledge, some interesting facts about the fireflies, some tips for making your own installation.