
Ros Horner

Ros Horner


Ros Horner is a London based (print turned digital) Design Director, working on apps and websites and things for clients including Adidas, Reebok, McLaren, Volvo and Moet. A lover of luxury design and new technology Ros is however, still the proud owner of a Nokia 6230 with a two week battery life and an iMac with no internet connection. Because design should improve things!

Ros tries to balance her on and off screen work (and life), and with a background in fashion magazines, and branding her work has a strong foundation in ideas, and craft.


Get **it done!

Come to Reasons, get inspired, meet amazing people, feel like you can do anything, maybe write that book, maybe quit your job, feel like you can TAKE ON THE WORLD... Go back to work... Forget to take on the world... Get on with life.

Ros has become pre occupied with our very modern obsession of setting goals and getting shit done! In fact this year she's done a whole project on it and drawn some (very interesting*) conclusions.

She's also moved to Amsterdam and back, redesigned, lost the feeling in her thumb, launched a couple of apps and websites, and quit her job!

Come and hear some truths that may change your life, come and learn the secret of creative happiness, come and see if anyone's remembered to take on the world**.

Expect digital design, the wise words of your peers(and The Rock), and lessons learnt from Batman.**

  • Not guaranteed

** Completely guaranteed


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