Stacey Mulcahy
Stacey Mulcahy is a technical evangelist with Microsoft focusing on Modern Web Technologies and IoT. She spends much of her free time volunteering with Young Game Makers and Code Liberation. In a previous life, she was the Lead Developer working with a variety of technologies at Big Spaceship, a digital agency based out of Brooklyn, NY.
She has worked at Teknision and Fuel Industries in Ottawa, Canada, and IQ Interactive in Atlanta in a variety of technical roles. A technical editor and instructor, Stacey enjoys sharing her love for her work in interactive development.
She considers her lack of verbal filter and extreme candor just a small part of her charm.
Programming Play
The dreaded moment : when you feel stagnant, creatively uninspired, maybe even, dare I say it, burnt out? Whether its a result of long hours or boredom through familiarity, being blocked can be disheartening- something we all experience in varying degrees.
How can you bounce back from a creative block? How can you re-discover your own motivation and desire to make work that interests you?
This session will propose ideas and strategies to ban your inner critic and to embrace your inner 5 year old to stomp through creative blocks.
We will look at the output of some of these ideas a from slightly burnt out developer - from programming experiments to mentoring initiatives.