Tony Harmer

Prior to joining Adobe this year, Tony Harmer has worked in the creative industry for over 30 years on a range of design, illustration and web/screen projects.
An Adobe Certified Expert and Instructor in several products (holding more than 160 certifications and one of only a small number to achieve status as a Creative Suite Master) Tony has delivered training all over the UK and Europe.
Tony was the chapter leader for the London InDesign User Group for seven years and presented frequently on InDesign-even helping to influence the decision to integrate forms into the product-as well as Illustrator, Photoshop and Creative Cloud topics for Adobe.
Additionally Tony has delivered training on HTML & CSS web standards topics, and has written frequently for magazines and blogs, but more than anything still just loves to sit and draw with pens, pencils and Adobe Illustrator.
Innovations in Creative Cloud
For over 25 years Adobe has been at the forefront of creative execution. Building the tools for creatives and then getting out of the way.
From print, to web, to video, to interactive and now hardware devices. In this keynote you'll see how far we've come, the present day and review what the future holds for creatives and their tools to make the world more awesome.
Join Adobe's Tony Harmer as he guides us through the latest innovations in the 2015 release of Creative Cloud. Prepare for your creative workflows to be revolutionised.
Session Studio - Mon 12:30
Creative Velocity: The Reality of the Connected Creative
CreativeSync, the signature Adobe technology that intelligently syncs your design assets has created entirely new workflows that fully realise the tightest integration of Creative Cloud.
Join Adobe's Tony Harmer, Senior Solutions Consultant for the Design Segment to see how CreativeSync, CC Libraries, Mobile apps and Adobe Stock can take your workflows to warp speed.
You'll discover how to effectively collaborate with others, even if they are not directly involved in the creative side of your projects.
If you're looking to gain a competitive advantage then you can't afford to miss this session.