Ben Newman

Ben Newman has developed a distinct aesthetic over the years; a contemporary fusion of bold shapes, bright colours and playful characters which has been described as 'bauhaus fuzzy felt.'
He has produced work for a large range of clients, including the Tate Modern, New York Times, BBC Radio 4, Google and The New Yorker. His practice extends outside of commercial work into worldwide exhibitions, paintings and three dimensional collaborations.
Nowadays, he spends the majority of his time collaborating on the Professor Astro Cat children's books with his longtime friend and scientist, Dr Dominic Walliman, which are published by Flying Eye Books and have been translated into 18 other languages. Alongside the books, Professor Astro Cat also exists as an award-winning app.
Concurrent to working as a freelance illustrator, Newman lectures on illustration at various universities and conferences in the UK and Europe.
An upward incline towards utter brilliance?
Is progress the gradual, upward incline towards utter brilliance?
Is progress really like a plate of spaghetti?
Is a mistake, a mistake or just the scenic route?
Is originality still possible or is it just a myth?
What did you want to be when you were 5?
Has anyone seen my keys?
From the pond I didn't build my aunt at the age of 4 to a job visually explaining science with a space suit clad feline at 34. My presentation will question why sometimes it's best to go wrong before you go right and whether striving in the elusive pursuit of originality is worthwhile. Nothing is a waste of time. Not even this talk. Apparently.
Seriously, has anyone seen my keys? They were just here.