Genevieve Gauckler

Born in Lyon, France and living and working in Paris, Genevieve Gauckler is a French artist, illustrator and art director who is best known for her ever-evolving procession of lovable characters and technicolour digital mashes.
Her works are bright, fun and hectic - often combining symmetrical designs with soft-edged computer generated images laid against photographed backgrounds.
She's into everything and constantly amazed, handling and creating images and shapes with dexterity and innocence.
Genevieve has created, art, video and illustrations for various magazines (Flaunt, Beaux-Arts Magazine, Le Figaro Japan, IDN, Form, Vogue UK), advertising (Renault, Bourjois, Coca-Cola, Skype, PlayStation, Lane Crawford, Orange, o2 Germany, Adobe) and books, objects, toys & Tshirts (Domestic, Medicom Toys, 2K, BeamsT, Publik) corporate identity (Hip), character design, exhibitions, comic book (L'Arbre Genialogique), animated tittle sequences (German-French Arte Channel).
Don't forget to have fun!
I've been working with illustration and graphic design for many years now and I'll be very happy to share things I've learned by showing you various case studies:
- how to find your style(s)
- how to draw empathic characters
- how to come up artworks that express feelings and ideas
Also I'll talk about the challenges I'm facing now such as how to renew my creative process, how to free myself from useless habits and rigid preconceived ideas, in order to deliver artworks which are in line with what I really want to say and show.