Vic Lee

Vic Lee is an artist and illustrator based in Clerkenwell, London. His work is an elaborate blend of typography, decoration, imagination and charm.
Working mainly in black and white, he has created a signature style that has been likened to tattoos, circus signage, old packaging and victoriana. The thing that sets Vic apart, is that he rarely plans any work out, especially his murals, which are 90% freestyled.
Vic comes from a background in graphic design, working mainly in interior and retail environments for some of Londons best design agencies and heading up projects for some of the worlds biggest brands. His experience is clear in how he works, using type, design, layout and visual impact in his pieces.
Though Vic is not a famed artist as such, he is in constant demand and has been fortunate to create bespoke pieces for clients such as Jaguar Landrover, Virgin Atlantic, Marks & Spencer, Nike and The Tate, where he has an entire range of products commissioned by the gallery.
Talking crap and saying something
Vic will be talking crap. For the first bit anyway, you'll see when you get there. Waffling through inking walls from London to LA and the trials of travel. How he is creating opportunities from nothing. How looking at where he was as a designer, and changing a future path was the best thing he ever did. How age and time is immaterial. And being sought after by the likes of Nike, Jaguar, Virgin Atlantic and the Tate. Chatting about creating a mural, what to show, what to deliver, how to make the client feel happy, getting away with shit and generally having a great time.
Vic will chat to you about downtime, insecurities, money, Instagram, making noises and being seen. you will see a lot of Vics work, from packaging to murals, bikes to busts, limited editions and one offs, but it's more of a journey. The moments that changed Vics path, from being that shy kid to being a cocky bugger, all with a pinch o salt and a charming wit.
As in all of Vics work , this talk is whatever you take away as you, not what your mate or colleague or partner does. This hopefully won't be one thing to everybody, but what do I know, I am just chatting.... Crap mostly.