Chris Spalton
Chris is a Senior UX Consultant/Designer hybrid working at Foolproof(). After spending years doodling monsters and zombies as a form of escapism to cope with the drudgery of corporate life he identified a way to turn his limited drawing ability into a way to capture and solve business problems, developing this further he’s now a visual thinking enthusiast and evangelist and an active member of the sketching and UX communities. He is always trying to encourage people to embrace sketching in order to help express ideas and solve problems for their audience’s colleagues, clients and customers in an engaging visual format.
In his spare time, he is in the process of achieving world domination through his Eelman Chronicles project, a true story comic book documenting his dad’s wild and mostly incompetent adventures as the last remaining Eel catcher in the miserable and mysterious marshy fens of East Anglia.
Away from his pens and paper Chris can usually be found having his ribcage rattled by gigantic riffs at various underground rock gigs, taking long walks through the Norfolk countryside, or taking photo’s of alleyways in Whitechapel as part of his probably too acute interest in Jack the Ripper.
You're going to die and no-one is going to give a sh*t
I'm a firm believer that the world is a more interesting place with more ideas out in it, our ideas allow us to connect, share our knowledge and further both ourselves and our communities. We all have ideas all the time, but only some of us act on them, the rest of us are nervous or self conscious and feel vulnerable about putting themselves out there, these ideas are then lost forever.
If you've ever thought 'I wish I could do that, or make this, or talk about that' but for some reason haven't taken the plunge, then I'll be sharing some important lessons I've learned about embracing the learning process, working out loud, connecting with people as a result and sharing ideas.
I'll be covering sketching, UX, creativity and comic books, and how I've approached both personal and professional projects, and hopefully you'll be able to take away a snippet to give you the confidence to put your ideas out there. I guarantee the world will be a better place if you do.
You're going to die, I'm going to die, we're all going to die, lets make the world give a shit before we do.