
Mathieu Gosselin

Mathieu Gosselin


Mathieu is a human being who codes, designs, both together, does code to make art, does kombuchas, writes, all sorts of things, fills his own bio with lots of "name-drops" so he looks very credible & do random things just because it's a possibility that is offered to him and to you as well.
For a living, The Mathieu has done shiny web app development and a bit of design for the little-guys such as Nike, Nokia, Landrover, Ford, Burberry... before starting-up his own startup (Psykosoft) which went the whole VC/Accelerator route, attracted millions of unsuspecting users and then crashed down spectacularly...

He eventually picked up his pieces and created new products for Time Inc. (Marie Claire, NME, Time Magazine) who fired him for being "overqualified" and because he made the hierarchy uncomfortable, then worked at RMA (ex-Adobe consulting), but they wanted to put him to work for an evil bank so he had to quit, then he headed Product and Design a hot VC backed startup to add fully-licensed music to GIFs in your least favorite messaging apps, built an app for Will I Am, but mostly watched some cat videos with sound. It was fun but he was forced to watch videos of Justin Bieber and so he finally went back to freelance working for another cat (Jaguar) for the time being.

Member of The Alternative UK and London futurists, writes irregularly about the future for various publications. (Future PLC., Fast Co... ).
He also wrote a fairly unpredictable book ("The random BoOk") and has recently decided to make sense of reality and redesign religion.


Redesigning Religion

  • beginner
  • intermediate
  • advanced
  • designers
  • developers
  • creative
  • design
  • inspiration
  • Art
  • Research
  • Educational

What if you could redesign religion?

"Design" is finding creative solutions to problems and it can be for anything: graphics, objects, games, software or ... belief systems!
Once in a while, a website gets an upgrade to keep up with the times, yet major religions haven't had an upgrade in a long time. What if we used the design process to redesign religion and update it to our modern day and age?
What if we designed a software for the mind optimized for the individual's, society's and the environment's wellbeing?
What would such a belief system look like?
What if we took the best from religions, discarded the dogmas and made it compatible with modern scientific knowledge?

Come if you want new perspectives on age-old existential questions:

  • Is there a God? And if so What/Who is it?
  • What is the meaning of life?
  • How do I become a better/happier human being?

...and understand:

  • What all major religions have in common.
  • How religions are created.
  • Why redesigning them isn't an entirely crazy endeavour.

COME WITH AN OPEN-MIND and willingness to have your (religious or non-religious) beliefs seriously challenged OR DO NOT COME at all!
