
Eva-Lotta Lamm

Eva-Lotta Lamm


Eva-Lotta is a User Experience Designer and Illustrator. She grew up in Germany, worked in Paris and London for a few years before packing up her backpack and go travelling the world for 15 months.

She has over 12 years of experience working on digital products as an in-house designer for Google, Skype, and Yahoo! as well as freelancing and consulting for various agencies and her own clients.

Besides her daytime mission of making the web a more understandable, usable and delightful place, she regularly takes sketchnotes at all sorts of talks and conferences and has self-published her notes in several books.

Eva-Lotta also teaches sketching and is interested in exploring the area of Visual Improvisation - looking at the parallels between sketching and improvisation to explore how some of the principles from her regular theatre improvisation practice can be used to inspire visual work.


Sketching practice

Come along to a 45 minute sketching practice. We'll draw together anything under the sun... lines, shapes, objects, people, faces, scenes, giraffes and maybe even a person moonwalking.

If you feel like you can't draw -- worry not. You actually can, and you'll discover how in this playful session.

Pack your favourite pen and notebook, leave your judging mind at the door and have some good old analogue fun.

Eva-Lotta also starred at:
